Name of owner(s): Claudia & Magaly Calderon (Mother & daughter)
When was business created: 2013
When did you start with Mercado: 2017
Why was the business created:
The business was created to sell my handmade jewelry and my new creations and my daughters Arts and crafts.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
Favorite items to sell are memory wire bracelets and all my jewelry, but most popular items to sell are dream catchers, earrings and Animation stickers
Nombre del Negocio: Arelys inc
Nombre del dueño(s): Francisco baltazar /Reyna baltazar
Cuándo se creó la empresa: 2017
Cuando empezaste con mercado: 2019
Por qué se creó la empresa: nos gusta vender comida ya que viene de familia vender
artículo favorito para vender o artículo más popular para vender: tacos al pastor en el trompo
Nombre del Negocio: Mia's lemonade ( bajo Arely's inc)
Nombre del dueño(s): Alexa baltazar / Francisco baltazar
Cuándo se creó la empresa: 2020
Cuando empezaste con mercado: 2020
Por qué se creó la empresa: :porque me gusta vender y atender ala gente y estar con mis papas
artículo favorito para vender o artículo más popular para vender: limonada de fresa
Name of owner(s): Jessica Wilson
When was business created: 2023
When did you start with Mercado: 2022
Why was the business created:
My business started as a hobby, and grew into a passion. I love to see the customers reactions when I put their ideas on a shirt.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
My favorite item to sell are the custom shirt, but the most sells are my bracelets.