Name of owner(s): Lenin Alex Lopez
When was business created: 2018
When did you start with Mercado: 2018
Why was the business created:
Because I wanted to inspire all the little ones that even with a disability any thing you put your mind to it you can do it
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
My favorite toy to sell are the light up toys because its like when I show the little kids it’s like Christmas t to them they look the toy with glowing eyes and there huge smile on their faces
Name of owner(s): Cecilia Cardenas
When was business created: April 2023
When did you start with Mercado: May 2023
Why was the business created:
I have always been passionate about everything fashion related since a young age. I love styling people and helping them feel confident. I decided now was the time to start fulfilling my dream of starting a fashion business.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
I love selling dresses! The right dress will have a woman feeling like she can dominate any room.