Name of owner(s): Lizbeth Verduzco y Jorge Briseño
When was business created: Started from home in 2021 and and in 2023 opened a Cafe in Silvis
When did you start with Mercado: 2023
Why was the business created:
for the love of our profession, we are both graduates in gastronomy
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
cheesecake, poblano omelette, and strawberry matcha!
Name of owner(s): Erica Carranza & Denis & Sandra Carranza
When was business created: February 2023
When did you start with Mercado: 2023
Why was the business created:
It had always been a lifelong dream of my mom to have her own restaurant with her recipes , we moved to the quad cities and I took the opportunity and made it happen for her. my father also always wanted to open another business in specific related to our Honduran culture. We were really excited to bring the quad cities a taste of our culture !
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
We love our Pollo Con tajadas our typical dish from Honduras, our delicious pupusas are also a hit!
Name of owner(s): Montserrat Martinez y Monica Bernal
When was business created: April 2023
When did you start with Mercado: May 2023
Why was the business created:
We created Delicias because we want to be independent and be able to develop our talents and abilities in the food field and thus make ourselves known to people.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
Cakes & Mangonadas