Name of owner(s): Shaylee (Snazzy) Smet and Rusty Smet
When was business created: 2017
When did you start with Mercado: 2022
Why was the business created:
We originally started Snazzy to fund Shaylee's 8th grade Washington DC trip.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
Our original lemon shake-ups
Name of owner(s): Cynthia and Kyle Smith
When was business created: 2022
When did you start with Mercado: 2022
Why was the business created:
We love cooking and have always wanted to own our own business. What better way than sharing our passion with everyone in the community. We didn’t want to work for anyone but ourselves and be able to spend time with our daughter and decide when we wanted to work and when we wanted to take a vacation.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
Birria and Steak in our Burritos!!!
Name of owner(s): Alfredo Castro and Virginia Castro. Our daughter Crystal Castro is soon to take over.
When was business created:
The food truck was created in 1990 and the restaurant was opened in 2002
When did you start with Mercado:
We have been with Mercado since it first started 7 years ago .
Why was the business created:
Alfredo Castro had a dream to be his own boss and open up a restaurant. Virginia Castro helped him make it happen and they worked together as a great team. We started with a food truck for 12 years saving up money to open up a restaurant. Now we have had the restaurant for 21 years. All together we have been in business for about 33 years.
Favorite item to sell or most popular item to sell:
The most popular item sold is the Nacho Supreme.